What is this?

Minute particulars are details that are experienced or perceived at a particular moment and can provide a unique insight into the world around us. They are particular to our experience, in that they are unique to that moment, and also minute – meaning their definition is often nuanced and requires more perception than generalisations over an extended period of time. Minute particulars can provide an access to the world through our lived experience, which can be far more personal and revealing than those that are based on more generalised knowledge. As such, they can offer a richer, deeper understanding of our lived environment and its influence on us.

See also: right hemisphere, left hemisphere, corpus callosum, brain damage, split brain

A revolution in attention: perceptual awakening in Iain McGilchrist’s work by Dr Mark Vernon 7,280

Freeing Perception. 10 Ways of Living Iain McGilchrist's Work 424